Monday, November 23, 2015

Jacky of the Hidden Leaf Village

Finished Project:
-The concept behind this picture is to merge anime with the real world in a semi simple way. I wanted to have a real person in a real world environment, but add in subtle aspects from the animes Naruto & Naruto Shippuden. I also wanted to try my best to make the moves look "natural" and blend in with the other images instead of being blatantly from a different source. To do this, I had Jacky on a basketball course (reason: ball is life), with 3 different moves from Naruto and Naruto Shippuden; the Rasengan, Rasenshuriken, and the Tailed Beast Bomb.

Q & A:
-Question: Am I happy with the results?
 Answer: Aside from some slight coloring issues that I've been having troubles with from the beginning, I am pleased with the final outcome of my project.

Original Photographs:

Step By Step:
In order to get the above images onto the basketball court, I started by using the quick selection tool. While I had it selected with the "add to selection" option (the two shaded overlapping squares at the top), I held down the mouse button and ran it across the image. However, the quick selection tool also selected some parts of the image that I didn't need, such as the background. To get rid of these unwanted selections, I then selected the lasso tool, and switched it to the magnetic lasso. Using the toolbar above, I changed the mode to "subtract from selection" (the option to the right of "add to selection"). I then slowly and carefully made points with the magnetic lasso around the area that I didn't want, and then made sure to connect the end point back to the beginning. After this was done, I simply copied the selected area (cmd + c for mac / ctrl + c for windows), switched to my project, and pasted (cmd + v for mac / ctrl + v for windows). I was then free to continue changing the picture to suit the background.