Wednesday, January 13, 2016

What's my stance on the upcoming election?

Regarding the election that will be held later this year in November, my stance is one that I believe many people around my age share. The current election includes a somewhat large range of candidates that I don't care for. In all honesty, none of the current candidates seem all that appealing to me, prompting me to spend election day relaxing at home instead of going out and trying to get one of these people in office. I know that it will be the job of the soon-to-be-adult generation to take care of things when our elders are gone, but this year that does not phase me. While I may change my views about voting when new candidates appear, as it currently stand I don't care for voting. Despite this, do not think that I am against voting and/or the process as a whole. It just means that I don't see anyone currently worth the effort to vote for. The process itself, however, I believe is a good idea and one that I do not currently have any major issues with (mainly because I don't too much about the voting process and don't care to learn more about it).

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